BATON ROUGE, La. (WDSU) —The new year is just around the corner, and dozens of new laws take effect in just days.
Here is a list of some of the latest laws:
Act 9 / HB611: By Representative Gabe Firment
INSURANCE/PROPERTY: Provides relative to homeowners' insurance and termination of certain policies.
Act 713 / HB596: By Rep. Daryl Deshotel
LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Provides relative to the election of home rule charter commissions
Act 723 / HB786: By Rep. Jack McFarland
FUNDS/FUNDING: Provides for the transfer, deposit, and use of monies among state funds
Act 746 / HB874: By Rep. Timothy Kerner
CORRECTIONS: Provides relative to electronic monitoring
Act 703 / HB525: By Rep. Matthew Willard
SEWERAGE/N.O. WATER BD: Provides relative to billing for services by the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board
Act 655 / HB566: By Rep. Dixon McMakin
STATE EMPLOYEES: Provides for educational criteria for state employees
Act 664 / HB906: By Rep. Mark Wright
CAMPAIGN FINANCE: Makes revisions to the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act
Act 693 / HB376: By Rep. Neil Riser
MEDICAL MARIJUANA: Provides relative to the regulation of medical marijuana
Act 752 / HB952: By Rep. Dustin Miller
HEALTH: Provides relative to consumable hemp products.
ACT 148 / SB166: By Senator Patrick Connick
PUBLIC HEALTH: Provides relative to seafood safety.
Act 158 / SB23: By Senator Gregory A. Miller
IMMOVABLE PROPERTY: Provides for the Planned Community Act.
Act 273 / SB165: By Senator Patrick McMath
CONTRACTS: Provides relative to noncompetition agreements. (8/1/24)
Act 357 / SB463: By Senator William ‘Bill’ Wheat, Jr.
DENTAL HEALTH: Creates the Louisiana Dental Loss Ratios for Dental Healthcare Services Plans Act.
Act 412 / HB119: By Representative Troy D. Romero
UNEMPLOYMENT COMP: Provides relative to the duration of unemployment compensation benefits and provides for extended benefits.
Act 414 / HB152: By Representative Stephanie Berault
DISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL: Provides relative to a Community Development District in St. Tammany Parish.
Act 578 / HB921: By Rep. Stephanie Hilferty
TAX/AD VALOREM TAX: Limits the determination of fair market value of certain real property by an assessor under certain circumstances.
Act 655 / HB566: By Rep. Dixon McMakin
STATE EMPLOYEES: Provides for educational criteria for state employees.
Act 664 / HB906: By Rep. Mark Wright
CAMPAIGN FINANCE: Makes revisions to the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act
Act 693 / HB376: By Rep. Neil Riser
MEDICAL MARIJUANA: Provides relative to the regulation of medical marijuana
Act 175 / SB 345: By Senator Regina Ashford Barrow
INSURANCE DEPARTMENT: Provides for an extension for premiums due for homeowners' policies.
Act 282 / SB30: By Sen. Gregory Miller
ETHICS: Provides relative to annual financial disclosure statements by certain elected officials and public servants.
Act 317 / SB218: By Sen. Caleb Kleinpeter
VOTERS/VOTING: Provides relative to voting.
Act 500 / SB436: By Senator Michael ‘Big Mike’ Fesi
VOTERS/VOTING: Provides relative to voter registration.
Act 550 / HB221: By Rep. Mike Bayham
ELECTIONS/RECALL: Provides relative to recall petitions
Act 563 / HB494: By Rep. Matthew Willard
MTR VEHICLE/OFFICE: Provides relative to special identification cards for children
Act 656 / HB577: By Rep. Kim Carver
COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS: Prohibits social media companies from collecting data to use for targeted advertising to minors
Act 86 / HB773: By Representative Barbara Carpenter
CHILDREN/SUPPORT: Provides for the schedule of basic child support obligations
Act 448 / HB770: By Representative Barbara Carpenter
CHILDREN/SUPPORT: Provides relative to child support guidelines
Act 515 / SB312 : By Senator Rick Edmonds
CHILDREN: Provides for the Adoption Awareness Act.
Act 786 / HB679: By Representative Neil Riser
LICENSING: Provides relative to auctioneers
Act 75 / HB397: By Representative Vincent J. St. Blanc, III
UTILITIES: Provides relative to the Louisiana Underground Utilities and Facilities Damage Prevention Law
Act 516 / SB332 : By Senator Alan Seabaugh
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY: Repeals the Occupational Licensing Review Commission. This eliminates the commission which supervised licensing boards.
Act 173 / SB 337: By Senator Gerald Boudreaux
INSURANCE PREMIUMS: Provides for a premium discount for certain military personnel.